Climate Campus

Lichtenau, Germany

After four years of construction, classes began in the rebuilt "Klima-Campus" of Lichtenau Secondary School in October 2023. The 30-classroom, 6,300 m² school building uses a host of environmentally friendly technology, notably energy-efficient LED luminaires and the SmartScan lighting control system from Thorlux Lighting.

The school building features nearly 1,000 Thorlux luminaires, including Radiance, Thoroproof, Ovix, Zipline, Light Line, Clara 720 and R3. Realta and Juno outdoor luminaires are installed in the school playground. The SmartScan system controls all the school's lighting wirelessly. The school's large window fronts let plenty of daylight into the corridors and rooms, supported by the automatically adjusting, energy-saving LED lighting.

The complete renovation of the school, the largest building in the municipality of Lichtenau, cost €23million and was supported by funding from the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Union. "Thanks to the subsidised measures at the secondary school building and the surrounding areas, we save around 250 tonnes of CO₂ per year and the school is supplied almost entirely from renewable sources," says a representative.

More about the Klima-Campus project can be found here.

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