BCU School of Art

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Located on Margaret Street in central Birmingham, Birmingham City University’s School of Art is a Grade I listed building in the Victorian Gothic style. The red-brick edifice is considered the finest achievement of the prominent nineteenth-century architect, John Henry Chamberlain, and has fostered the creativity of students since opening in 1885.

With the School of Art recently receiving a grant for improving energy efficiency, Thorlux Lighting was engaged to supply energy-saving LED luminaires throughout the building, in galleries, studios, workshops, the library and corridors.

The efficient, modular Zipline suspended luminaires create a stimulating lighting scheme that complements the flow of natural light through the arched windows. G3 downlighters are used to raise light levels in darker areas, such as beneath mezzanine floors. Furthermore, self-testing SmartScan Emergency Ziplines and Lexi exit sign luminaires are in place to highlight escape points.

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